Information about The Crimson Rosella or platycercus elegans. a parrot native to eastern and south eastern Australia.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Australian Rosella - Parrots Belonging to the Eight Species of Rosella

Rosella (Platycercus Vigors) Parrots belonging to this genus are collectively known as the rosella and all show two plumage characteristics; well-defined cheek-patches and a pronounced "mottling" on the back. The rosella is a medium-sized bird with long, gradated tails. There is a notch in the upper mandible. The male has noticeably wider, heaver upper mandibles than the female. In all but one species (icterotis) the rosella sexes are alike in plumage. The white, under wing-stripe is present but is variable according to the species. There are eight species of rosella:
o Crimson Rosella
o Eastern Rosella
o Green Rosella
o Yellow Rosella
o Adelaide Rosella
o Pale-headed Rosella
o Northern Rosella
o Western Rosella
Crimson Rosella:
The adult Crimson Rosella has a general rich crimson plumage; cheek patches violet blue; feathers of nape, back and wings black broadly margined with crimson. The bill is grayish-white; iris dark brown; legs grey.
The Crimson Rosella occurs in eastern and south-eastern Australia
In eastern Australia the Crimson Rosella is a bird of the coastal and adjacent mountainous forests from sea level to the alpine woodlands above 1,900 meters. It is plentiful, even occurring in numbers in the outer suburbs of large towns and cities. The flight is more undulating and noticeably slower than that of the Green Rosella and normally flies close to the ground and glides upward into a tree. The tail is fanned when alighting.
The diet of the Crimson Rosella is seeds, fruits, blossoms, and insects and their larvae.
Its call is a low pitched "kweek...kweek...kweek", with the middle note on a lower scale. When alarmed the Crimson Rosella has a series of shrill, metallic screeches. A soft chattering generally accompanies feeding.
The courtship display and general nesting behavior of the Crimson Rosella closely resembles those of the Green Rosella.
Eastern Rosella:
The male Eastern Rosella has a red head and breast; white cheek-patches; lower breast yellow merging into pale green on abdomen. The bill is grayish-white; iris dark brown; legs grey.
The Eastern Rosella occurs in south-eastern Australia, including Tasmania.
The Eastern Rosella inhabits lightly timbered country up to about 1,250 meters and is a familiar bird in gardens and parklands on the outskirts of towns and cities.
The undulating flight of the Eastern Rosella is comparatively swift. The inverted arc path is usually followed, but on long flights, particularly over open grassland, the Eastern Rosella flies at a considerable height and does not drop to the ground.
The call of the Eastern Rosella is a loud "kwink...kwink...kwink" on an ascending scale or a metallic piping note repeated twice; when alarmed a shrill screech.
The courtship display of the Eastern Rosella is similar to that of the Green Rosella.
Green Rosella:
The male Green Rosella has a red frontal band; head and under parts are rich yellow, the latter sometimes washed with orange-red; cheek-patches are deep blue. The bill is horn coloured; iris brown; legs grey.
The female is a smaller size with a smaller bill; throat generally washed with orange red; wing stripe usually absent.
The Green Rosella occurs in Tasmania and the larger islands in Bass Strait. Because of the somber colouration of their upperparts it is inconspicuous when on the ground seeking seeds or when in the tall eucalypts feeding on blossoms. The flight is strong with less undulation than that of the other rosella species.
Its diet comprises seeds, blossoms, berries, nuts, fruits and insects and their larvae.
The call is a disyllabic "cussik-cussik" given regularly in flight; also a variety of flute like whistles. When alarmed the Green Rosella emits a rapid succession of shrill piping notes.
The male, when displaying, droops his wings, squares his shoulders, fluffs up his breast and upper tail-coverts and moves his fanned tail from side to side.

Yellow Rosella:
The male Yellow Rosella has pale yellow head and entire under-parts. The throat and upper breast are often lightly marked with red. The bill is grayish-white; iris dark brown; legs grey.
It occurs in the interior of south-eastern Australia; a riparian species closely associated with the Murray - Murrumbidgee - Lachlan Rivers system in southern New South Wales, northern Victoria and eastern South Australia. It frequents eucalypts, especially where they form savannah woodland on flood plains extending some distance from the watercourses. It is less confiding than the other rosella species and generally moves well ahead of an intruder.
Its flight is swifter and less undulating than that of the Crimson Rosella. The flight path is direct and lacks the inverted arc.
The diet comprises seeds, fruits, berries, blossoms, nectar, nuts, and insects and their larvae.
The call is similar to, but of a slightly higher pitch than that of the Crimson Rosella.
Courtship display and general nesting behavior of the Yellow Rosella closely resembles those of the Green Rosella.
Adelaide Rosella:
The adult Adelaide Rosella has a red forehead and crown; nape and sides of head are dull orange-yellow; cheek-patches are violet blue. The bill is grayish white; iris dark brown; legs grey.
It occurs in southern South Australia from the southern Flinders Ranges to the Fleurieu Peninsula south of Adelaide. It is abundant within its restricted range, and inhabits all types of timbered country, and is often seen in suburban gardens and parklands in Adelaide.
Its flight is similar to that of the Crimson Rosella.
All call-notes of the Adelaide Rosella are similar to those of the Crimson Rosella.
The breeding season extends from September through to December. Nesting behavior, including courtship display, closely resembles that of the Green Rosella.
Pale-Headed Rosella:
The male Pale-Headed Rosella has a white head with tinges of yellow; check-patches violet-blue below, white above. Its bill is horn-coloured; iris dark brown; legs grey.
The Pale-Headed Rosella is widely distributed from northern Queensland, south of Cairns and the Mitchell River, to northern New South Wales. It is a lowland bird inhabiting most types of timbered country including clearings in heavy forest or the forest itself where it adjoins open grassland. The flight resembles that of the Eastern Rosella.
Its call is similar to that of the Eastern Rosella.
The nesting behavior resembles that of the Green Rosella.
Northern Rosella:
The forehead, crown and nape of the adult Northern Rosella is black, sometimes with red markings; cheek-patches white above, violet-blue below. The bill is grayish-white; iris dark brown; legs grey.
The Northern Rosella inhabits north-western and northern Australia from the Kimberley, Western Australia, and east to the Northern Territory - Queensland border; occurs on Bathurst, Melville and Milingimbi Islands.
It inhabits savannah woodland, timber bordering watercourses, littoral forests and occasionally coastal mangroves. The undulating flight of the Northern Rosella is surprisingly swift and somewhat erratic, normally flying close to the ground, gliding up into a tree and then fanning the tail before alighting. The diet of the Northern Rosella comprises seeds of grasses, shrubs and trees, principally eucalypts, melaleucas and acacias, and fruits, berries and blossoms.
The call is a disyllabic, high pitched note repeated three or four times. When feeding in the treetops a soft chattering is emitted.
The courtship display and general nesting behavior is similar to the other rosella species.
Western Rosella:
The head and entire under parts of the Western Rosella is red; yellow cheek patches; feathers of back and wings black broadly margined with dark green. The bill is grey; iris dark brown; legs brownish grey.
The Western Rosella inhabits south-western Australia. In open forest trees surrounding croplands or lining roadways, timber bordering watercourses, grasslands and cultivated farmlands. It is a confiding bird and becomes very tame around farm buildings where feeding on spilled grain. Its buoyant, fluttering flight differs markedly from the heavy flight of the other rosella species. Between wing beats there are only very brief periods of gliding.
It feeds on seeds of grasses and herbaceous plants, fruits, berries and insects and their larvae.
The call is soft and melodious, comprising a series of whistle like notes repeated rapidly, and it lacks the harsh, metallic tones common to the calls of the other rosella species.
The breeding season extends from August through to December. Only the female broods and while she is sitting, the male remains in the immediate vicinity of the nest.

The Australian Rosella - Parrots Belonging to the Eight Species of Rosella Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Angel Glory